Introduction Paragraphs: Make em HOT!

Many students, especially at the middle school level, find writing difficult.  Instead of pushing through, some shut down completely, spending an entire period, maybe more, staring at a blank page.  This is not because they don’t want to try – but simply because they don’t know how to begin.

Every writing teacher has heard the infamous words…

“I can’t start it.”  
“How should I start?”  
“What word should go first?”

Students need guidance and structure in their writing, and that’s what the HOT format provides, a clear, logical structure for composing introduction paragraphs.

First, you’ve gotta get the kids excited about writing!!!!!

They have to be engaged in what you’re presenting in order to be receptive to the format, which will hopefully result in more confidence in your writing.

Keep in mind:  I have the BEST in-class support teacher who goes along with whatever idea I pitch.  Here’s what we do.

As per the usual in my classroom, this has a theme song!  We, the co-teacher and I, meet in the back of the classroom and play the song from the video below.  We start clapping, singing, and chanting to take out their notebooks and get ready for some WRITING!

You’ve gotta sell it.  I mean really sell it!

We cha-cha our way to the front of the room, conga-line style, clapping the whole time and circling the kids desks to make sure they’re ready for notes.

Once we get to the front of the room, the kids may think we’re crazy, but guess what?

WE’VE GOT EM!  They’re hooked, engaged and ready to learn about writing an introduction paragraph!

We break it down:


We explain each, provide examples of each, give suggestions for each, and read TONS of models.

This is followed by collaborative class introduction writing.  Then, we move to small group introduction writing in a CHA CHA competition!  Depending on the class, we’ll move to either leveled partners, more small groups, or individual paragraph writing.

We practice the introduction until the students are comfortable with it!

And every mini lesson on the introduction paragraph begins with this song!

It certainly becomes something the students never forget – the lessons, the dancing, and the format!

Hope you enjoy the resource!

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